Quartz, or double broadcast floors, are seamless flooring systems utilizing epoxies infused with quartz sand.
With a finish system thickness of approximately 1/8” and an integral cove base of 4”-6”, these systems are a desirable option for commercial kitchens, research labs, food production facilities, commercial restrooms along with a number of other applications. With the inherent nature of sand being broadcasted into epoxy, these systems have a non-skid/slip characteristic that can be reduced or increased by the thickness of the topcoat being applied.
Arizona Epoxy Systems is a proud supplier of 3M quartz products and offers quartz flooring installation. A floor could see several major changes in how it’s used over the course of its lifetime and those changes could be drastically different in what they demand of the floor. It is a good idea in a situation like this to have a durable, all-purpose floor that can handle the various demands it may see without having to be modified.

Quartz in your flooring will add aesthetic appeal along with enhanced durability and longevity. Quartz has a classy look as well as a hardy constitution and is very easy to clean. It can also be treated with anti-microbial solution that can eliminate the presence of micro-organisms that can cause odor and deterioration.
Low or no odor
Resistant to chemicals
Durable & Resilient
Easy cleaning & maintenance
Different surface options including smooth and non-slip
Resistant to abrasion
No VOC’s – Meets or exceeds VOC requirements
Is the standard for food handling